Module: ol/interaction/Modify




Type Definitions


Name Type Description
condition Condition | undefined

A function that takes a MapBrowserEvent and returns a boolean to indicate whether that event will be considered to add or move a vertex to the sketch. Default is primaryAction.

deleteCondition Condition | undefined

A function that takes a MapBrowserEvent and returns a boolean to indicate whether that event should be handled. By default, singleClick with altKeyOnly results in a vertex deletion.

insertVertexCondition Condition | undefined

A function that takes a MapBrowserEvent and returns a boolean to indicate whether a new vertex should be added to the sketch features. Default is always.

pixelTolerance number
(defaults to 10)

Pixel tolerance for considering the pointer close enough to a segment or vertex for editing.

style StyleLike | FlatStyleLike | undefined

Style used for the modification point or vertex. For linestrings and polygons, this will be the affected vertex, for circles a point along the circle, and for points the actual point. If not configured, the default edit style is used (see Style). When using a style function, the point feature passed to the function will have a features property - an array whose entries are the features that are being modified, and a geometries property - an array whose entries are the geometries that are being modified. Both arrays are in the same order. The geometries are only useful when modifying geometry collections, where the geometry will be the particular geometry from the collection that is being modified.

source VectorSource | undefined

The vector source with features to modify. If a vector source is not provided, a feature collection must be provided with the features option.

hitDetection boolean | BaseVectorLayer | undefined

When configured, point features will be considered for modification based on their visual appearance, instead of being within the pixelTolerance from the pointer location. When a BaseVectorLayer is provided, only the rendered representation of the features on that layer will be considered.

features Collection<Feature> | undefined

The features the interaction works on. If a feature collection is not provided, a vector source must be provided with the source option.

wrapX boolean
(defaults to false)

Wrap the world horizontally on the sketch overlay.

snapToPointer boolean
(defaults to !hitDetection)

The vertex, point or segment being modified snaps to the pointer coordinate when clicked within the pixelTolerance.


Name Type Description
depth Array.<number> | undefined


feature Feature


geometry SimpleGeometry


index number | undefined


segment Array.<Array.<number>>


featureSegments Array<SegmentData> | undefined
